宋太祖曾要求其子孫永遠不得殺害文人,文人在宋朝地位得到了空前的提升,重文輕武的風氣在宋朝達到了極致,「好男不當兵」「學而優則仕」等俗諺都是出在宋朝。在理學的興起、宗教勢力退潮、言論控制降低、市民文化興起、商品經濟繁榮與印刷術的發明等一系列背景下,宋朝優秀文人輩出,知識份子自覺意識空前覺醒。其後中國由於蒙古的入侵並對文人採取敵視政策,加上明清的八股文與文字獄嚴重壓制學人思想自由發揮,中國再也沒有出現過象宋朝一樣興盛的文化景象。 ─維基百科宋朝條下
Successful bookmakers must be able to|be succesful of|have the ability to} stand up to a large short time period loss. If a bettor took Oklahoma casino.edu.kg City, they would have to win outright or lose by 3 factors or fewer.
1 則留言:
Successful bookmakers must be able to|be succesful of|have the ability to} stand up to a large short time period loss. If a bettor took Oklahoma casino.edu.kg City, they would have to win outright or lose by 3 factors or fewer.